Simple & Free Ways To Promote Your Blogs

Are you blogging frequently but aren’t getting the traffic you desire?

This is surprisingly a pervasive problem amongst new and aspiring bloggers. And, the most prevalent reason for this is weak promotion or marketing.

With the rapid growth of the blogging industry, simply writing and publishing a blog post isn’t enough to gain followers and get it seen by millions of people worldwide.

No matter how good the content is, it needs to be promoted and distributed to the appropriate audience.

After all, what’s the point of writing a fantastic blog if no one will read it?

Below, we’ll go over a few simple and free tips for promoting your blog, so you can watch your traffic grow!

Leveraging Social Media

Social media should be an essential component of any blogger’s marketing strategy.

The most significant benefit of social media is that it allows you to segment your target demographic and directly promote your blog to them.

Facebook, Instagram, and many other social media sites have dedicated tools for promoting blogs using both paid and free tactics.

Integrating your blogs with social media applications and accounts increases your odds of reaching your target audience and ensuring your posts go as far as possible!


Email Marketing

To date, email marketing is still one of the most effective ways for promoting blog content to a target demographic.

Why? Because the people who’ve signed up for your email newsletter have willingly given you their email addresses, meaning that they WANT to hear from you!

Because of this, email marketing is incredibly successful in terms of conversion and targeted marketing.

An email list makes promoting your blogs via email simple.

It allows you to stay in contact with your readers while still developing and maintaining your strong brand presence.

In other words, you can disseminate your blog posts to a receptive audience via emails, which can include all sorts of additional pertinent information about your brand.

Need help creating business graphics and logos to include in your emails?

LogoCreator is an entirely free tool anybody can use, even without any prior experience in graphic design.

Check it out here:


Keyword Optimization

What your target readers and ideal customers are searching for online is extremely important.

Understanding what your reader might be looking for when they arrive on your blog will aid you in creating content that is already relevant and useful to them.

For this, the best place to start is by optimizing your blogs for keywords that your target audience is already using in search engines like Google or Bing.

Search engine crawlers check for these keywords on your site, and when optimized correctly, they’ll display them to users looking for those keywords.

Create a list of keywords related to your brand both at an industry and a local, geographic level.

You can use tools like Moz’s Keyword Explorer, the Google Keyword Planner, and others to help you narrow down your list.

Then, once you’ve created a list of suitable keywords, you can start including them in your blogs.

Making Sure Your Blogs Go As Far As Possible

Most blog websites are launched and then abandoned simply because they don’t get any traffic coming to read their posts.

While this can be highly disappointing, you can easily avoid this unfortunate fate by knowing a few simple and free marketing tactics.

Just make sure that you’re using social media to promote your posts, let your email subscribers know about them via targeted email campaigns, and use keyword optimization to ensure that search engines are showing your posts to the right people!

Using these simple tactics, you’ll have people flocking to your posts in no time!


Derrick Chandler has a degree in marketing. He served for years and then decided to go after his heart desire to be a freelance writer and has excelled at it. Now he has time to enjoy cooking and wine tasting.

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