What I Learnt From Not Writing Blog Posts For Several Months

Writing Blog posts is not just a strategy to keep in touch with your customers and loyal followers with the latest business news, tips and tricks in the business world, it is also a way you could reach out to a new set of potential customers and convince them to take positive actions by letting them know what they may be missing out on your remarkable services!

For me, I have various entities when it comes to writing blogs – My very own Abule Graphics Blog, Medium, and other business blogs that cover various niche (I can write about almost every topic). All of these entities combined have exposed me to quite a number of prospects and loyal followers and as a result, helped promote my awesome services which they find very beneficial!

So, Where Did I Go?

In the past few months – just before dropping insight on the exact tips i used to rank my website #1 on Google, I needed some extra cash, OK, maybe a lot of it sha, so I had to stay focused on business growth by putting the needs of my customers and partners first. For this reason, It didn’t occur to me to visit my Blog. I was very busy.

It’s funny how sometimes, you get so busy and focused in your line of work that some very important factors become abandoned.

It’s not like i traveled o…

It has been about customization and creations – I was very busy working on quite a number of new projects and working closely with new partners – helping them with the best Digital Marketing ideas and customization to push their businesses towards a winning edge over their competitors.

What Have I Learnt?

It took me a while to realize what I have missed out from not writing my own content and making sure that my blog stays updated at all times.

To begin, I learnt the true importance of the popular saying “content is king” – the hard way of course.  

I also missed updating readers like you on tips and schemes I am working on to provide tips and tricks on Branding, Digital Marketing strategies and Website optimizations that should help you boost your business as we look towards the year 2020.

Expect plenty of this from now on.

I Learnt That Customers Are Very Important

One very important takeaways for me is the fact that my Customers should always be the primary focus. I have taken out quality time to actually get to understand all of my customers and various partners – not only on a business level but also on a personal-relationship level. This alone has helped me in my mission to build great brands especially where I plan to help reveal the full personality of the awesome personalities behind each business I have worked with over time.

Content Is King

Duplicating content and stuffing up keywords on your website may destroy your SEO Ranking on Google. I suggest you opt for perfectly crafted content that will provide relevant answers to questions that are usually being asked. Doing this will truly be a major deciding factor when it concerns your business and your major local competitors.

I recently experimented on this with a client who wanted to rank #1 for a particular location and keyword. The result of this is that they found themselves laughing down on all their major competitors who later appeared in lower positions on Google and other Search Engines.

I Did Lots Of Research Too

Writing Blogs is not just an easy and quick type-the-computer and post kind of task. For me, I take quality time to extensively research every post that keeps me going.

Some readers would think Nigerian Experts in Website & Graphic Designs, SEO and Digital Marketing like me could just simply sit by a computers and easily blast out articles…You are very wrong!

Anyone Can Write Quality Content if They Want To

It is very true that anyone can write good contents for their own website and Blog Posts.

All you need to do is to write in an easy-to-read-and-understand manner, keep your sentences short and include some pictures where necessary as they can help grow your website.

The truth is that a lot of research goes into all the articles I put up and I spend a lot of time than most Bloggers creating the right structure and tone of voice that will suit your business but this does not mean you can’t achieve this. With some practice, you definitely will!


Frequently Asked Questions

This is a very recurring question in the area of Digital Marketing that is constantly being asked by my readers via email enquiries.

Once you search on Google, you will usually find answers, but I still do my best to help provide better answers to these burning questions, whether it is “How To Easily Rank #1 On Google”, “How To Choose the Right Web Designer”, “Best Design Softwares For Graphic Designers“, etc. My aim is to get actively involved in these questions.

If you have a question that I haven’t touched, please get in touch with me, I would love to add it to my list!

I Am Alive

Ok, this part has nothing to do with Celine Dion.

This Blog post has been a whole bit of a rant… But It’s an opportunity for me to inform you using highlights, that I am back and looking towards sharing a lot of great contents with you.

I haven’t gone anywhere, and I would love to work closely with you on your new project… If you have any question or suggestion, please do get in touch.

Come With Me To The Future

I really hate to copy the popular motto of most companies but “The future is bright”. Just imagine me holding up a florescent tube to light the path to Digital Innovations.

So, please expect a lot of posts in the future on business updates, clients and partners I work with, the best tips and the practices on Web & Graphic Design and Digital Marketing.

I can hardly wait to share my exciting future with you!


Eze Erondu is a highly skilled professional known for his expertise in creating captivating brand identities and his exceptional abilities as a Web Designer & Digital Marketer in Nigeria. With over 5 years of experience, he has a proven track record of delivering impactful brand and creative solutions. Eze takes a comprehensive approach to brand development, ensuring that the identities he creates are consistent and harmonious across both physical and digital platforms.

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